5 Tips

This month’s post features guest blogger Natalie Lopes, Wellness Coach with GFit Wellness. Now more than ever it is SO important to stay healthy and incorporate a balanced lifestyle as part of your daily routine. Get outside, participate in a virtual workout class, start a new book and video chat with at least one friend or family member per day. Take care of each other!

Every couple wants to look and feel amazing on their big day. Here are five tips to help you get in amazing shape for your big day so you can live happily and healthier ever after!

1.      Give it Time! Getting married is a major lifestyle change and so is long-term sustainable weight loss. Short term, restrictive fad diets are not the answer.  Take time to create healthy habits and lifestyle changes that you can carry with you beyond your wedding day and long in to your future together.  If weight loss is your goal, you should expect it to take one month for every 4-5 lbs of weight you want to lose.  A safe and sustainable rate of weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week so if you want to lose 15-20 lbs by your big day, you should plan to start working at it at least four months in advance.  Don’t forget, you’ll likely have cake tastings, showers & parties leading up to your big day too! Giving it time will increase your likelihood of reaching your goal and keeping it off!

2.      Prioritize your nutrition!  You’ve heard it before, you can’t out-train a bad diet, and it’s true.  A diet high in protein & whole foods is the way to go.  Avoid high sodium, processed foods, and quick-fix, elimination diets that focus on restriction. Focus on fueling your body with high quality foods and shift your mindset from “I can’t eat that” to making better choices for your overall health.  Eating well should feel empowering, not like punishment.

3.      Reduce your stress! Did you know that a couple makes over 177 decisions leading up to the big day? You want everything from the dress to the venue to the DJ and photographer to be perfect.  All this planning is bound to leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.  Stress spikes our cortisol levels which increases our appetite! And while the thought of adding workouts and meal prep to the never ending to-do list may seem daunting, exercise and nutrition are scientifically proven to boost your mood and reduce stress. 

4.      Go to bed! Seems basic right? But did you know that your sleep directly impacts your hunger hormones, grehlin and leptin! Grehlin signals hunger in the brain, and leptin surpasses hunger and signals fullness in the brain. So when you’re sleep deprived from googling wedding venues all night long, your body will produce more grehlin and less leptin making you want eat anything and everything!

5.      Enlist the help of an expert!  Just as you might hire a wedding planner to help with all the tasks of your wedding, a wellness coach can take the guess work out of your nutrition and training planning!  GFit Wellness coaches create custom, science-based training and nutrition programs that are safe and effective to help you reach and maintain your goals.  And the best part of having a GFit Wellness Coach is the unwavering support you receive from your coach.  Accountability is a huge compnonet of any wellness program and we will do anything we can to keep you on track so you feel your absolute best on your wedding day.  GFit coaches offer 24/7 support and weekly and monthly check ins to keep you accountable.

Whether you’re looking to get in shape for your wedding day or want to improve your overall quality of life, GFit Wellness can help.  Visit us at www.teamgfit.com for more information and to book your free assessment today.  You can also visit us on instagram @gfitwellness and FaceBook for valuable information on health and wellness and to see some of our amazing client transformations.

 Join GFit Wellness and start your transformation today!


